In 1962, Polar Bears arrived at the Stanley Park Zoo thanks to the Hudson's Bay Company. Nootka, Jubilee11, Princess Rupert and Prince Rupert. The polar bear attraction was hugely popular for a time. With the current situation of protests against whales and other animals in captivity, it's hard to imagine that it was ever acceptable for the zoo to have 4 polar bears in captivity. I used to love to go to the zoo and look at the huge polar bears. I had seen a few black bears in the wild but this was my only experience seeing polar bears. It was fun to watch them stalk around their den or play in the pool. I often thought what would happen if someone fell in to the pit. The bears often seemed quite docile but I'm sure they would be interested if someone fell into their environment. As times changed, the polar bear grotto finally closed down.
In fact the zoo closed down in 1997. Now, the old part of the zoo is completely abandoned. It looks like it should be a movie location for a horror movie.
Plaque Commemorating the Polar Bears at Stanley Park Zoo, 1962 |
Stanley Park Polar Bears 1960s |
Abandoned Polar Bear Grotto at Stanley Park 2014 |
Abandoned Polar Bear Grotto at Stanley Park 2014 | | | |
The above picture gives you a good idea of the depth of the grotto.
Abandoned Polar Bear Grotto at Stanley Park 2014 |
Abandoned Polar Bear Grotto at Stanley Park 2014 |
Abandoned Polar Bear Grotto at Stanley Park 2014 |
Previous Bears at the Stanley Park Zoo
In the 1920s to 1930s there used to be a black bear at the zoo.The picture below was taken in the early 1930s. It must have been a sad existence for this bear. At least the polar bear habitat was drastically better in condition compared to where this poor black bear lived.
Black Bear at the Stanley Park Zoo in the early 1930s |
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