Monday, 15 January 2018

The Marine Building

The Marine Building is a Vancouver landmark that is still one of the most impressive buildings in the city. It took just under 2 years to build this unique skyscraper. What makes it so impressive is the decorative "icing" topping on the building and the unique art deco designs at the grand entrance. Up to the 1970s, the Marine Building was a visible landmark in downtown. With all the construction over the past 30 years, the Marine Building has become less and less visible as it once was. The 1930s saw the building of a number of Vancouver landmarks including the Lions Gate Bridge and the Vancouver City Hall.

Marine Building 1968

Photo from Vancouver of the Marine Building in Vancouver Sun 1932

Downtown Vancouver with the Marine Building 1970

Entrance to the Marine Building - 355 Burrard Street

Marine Building - Art Deco Design

Marine Building

Marine Building Plaque

View of the Marine building from Cambie and Hastings Street

A View of the Marine Building from Hastings and Cambie Street

A view up the Marine Building

Marine Building

Marine Building

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